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martes, 14 de febrero de 2012

Javadoc tags

Encara que sempre s'acaba copiant les capceleres de la documentació no està de més tenir la llista de tags i recordar l'ordre de aparició:

Tag & Parameter
Applies to
@author name
Describes an author.
Class, Interface, Enum
@version version
Provides software version entry. Max one per Class or Interface.
Class, Interface, Enum
@since since-text
Describes when this functionality has first existed.
Class, Interface, Enum, Field, Method
@see reference
Provides a link to other element of documentation.
Class, Interface, Enum, Field, Method
@param name description
Describes a method parameter.
@return description
Describes the return value.
@exception classname description
@throws classname description
Describes an exception that may be thrown from this method.
@deprecated description
Describes an outdated method.
Copies the description from the overridden method.
Overriding Method
{@link reference}
Link to other symbol.
Class, Interface, Enum, Field, Method
Return the value of a static field.
Static Field

però si vols la informació original pots escardar a:

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