Google Website Translator Gadget

sábado, 18 de febrero de 2012

JNDI Queries complexes amb Searchcontrols

Una de les opcions més interesants es la possibilitat de crear cerques complexes amb l'ús de Searchcontrols

String query_filter = "(|(cn=*"+pCanonicalName+"*) (sAMAccountName=*"+pCanonicalName+"*))";

Cal recordar que l'operador va abans dels operands.

&conjunction (i.e.,and -- all in list must be true)
| disjunction (i.e.,or -- one or more alternatives must be true)
!negation (i.e.,not -- the item being negated must not be true)
=equality (according to the matching rule of the attribute)
~= approximate equality (according to the matching rule of the attribute)
>=greater than (according to the matching rule of the attribute)
<=less than (according to the matching rule of the attribute)
=*presence (i.e., the entry must have the attribute but its value is irrelevant)
* wildcard (indicates zero or more characters can occur in that position); used when specifying attribute values to match
\escape (for escaping '*', '(', or ')' when they occur inside an attribute value)


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