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sábado, 14 de diciembre de 2013

Oracle Database end-of-life support

Oracle Database Lifecycle

Una de les coses que cal vigilar tant des de un punt de vista de gestió de riscos com de la gestió de inversions es el final de cicle de vida dels productes.

Oracle publica en el següent link la seva política de suport.

Final del cicle de vida (end-of-life)

Si aneu a la pàgina trobareu (Sota el ambigu concepte de "Technology") un document (PDF) on especifica el suport per a les Bases de Dades Oracle:

Oracle Database GA Date
(General Availability)
Premier Support
(for five years from the GA)
Extended Support
(for an additional fee)
12.1Juny 2013Juliol 2018Juliol 2021
11.2Set. 2009Gener 2015Gener 2018
11.1Agost 2007Agost 2012Agost 2015
10.2Juliol 2005Juliol 2010Juliol 2013
10.1Gener 2004Gener 2009Gener 2012

En general, tal com indica aquí:
... Generally, only releases in these first two stages of support are included in the Critical Patch Update program.
For most products, only the latest versions within each release receive Critical Patch Update patches

Es important tenir en compte les condicions de suport, per exemple en el CPU (Critical Patch Update) afegeixen els següents comentaris:
Critical Patch Update Supported Products and Versions
Patches released through the CPU program are provided only for product versions that are covered under the Premier Support or Extended Support phases
Products in Extended Support
Patches released through the CPU program are available to customers who have purchased Extended Support...
Customers must have a valid Extended Support service contract to download patches released.
Product releases that are not under Premier Support or Extended Support are not tested for the presence of vulnerabilities.

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