Google Website Translator Gadget

viernes, 9 de noviembre de 2012

BLAT Command-line SMTP

BLAT.EXE es un dels programes més antics, en funcionament des de 1998,  i utilitzats per a enviament de logs a bústies de mail des de scripts Windows i amb llicència Public Domain.
No conec cap administrador de sistemes que no l'hagi utilitzat en algun script, i entre altres coses l'he utilitzat per a verificar funcionament de servidors SMTP.

Es un programa fiable i molt útil que es pot descarregar des de

Disposa encara de la pàgina web original:  però des del 2003 es va moure a

En aquests moments va per al versió 3.0.7 publicada el

Exemple de crida
blat.exe "file_with_body_text.txt" -server -f -subject "subject text" -to

Change Log
[-] Removed a line of debug code that printed command line arguments to the
    screen, always.
[+] Added error messages for attachment problems.  These include: no file was
    found for a given search string, a name that matches the search string does
    not appear to be an actual file, a file that is larger than 4 GB, a file
    that cannot be opened, and a file that cannot be read.  These extra
    messages should help people understand why their attachment(s) did not get
    sent, or why Blat exits with error code 12.
[+] Add more intelligence for checking UTF-8 byte sequences when the UTF-8 Byte
    Order Marker (BOM) is not present.  This helps reduce the likelihood of
    incorrectly marking the charset as "UTF-8" or not.
[-] Forgot to properly set charset= in headers when Blat determines the message
    body is UTF/Unicode.  Blat will now set charset= to UTF-8/UTF-7 as needed.
[-] Fixed options file parsing that I broke in 3.0.5, trying to support UTF-8
    and Unicode files that may not have a BOM.

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